Sunday, January 25, 2009

THE CIRCUS!!! Yeah!!!

A couple days ago Amanda (my sister) e-mailed me (from Vegas) to let me know that the circus was in Knoxville (THANKS SIS!!!). So yesterday we went to the circus and had a blast.

To see the aftermath check out Cades tribute at

Before and. . .

And After

We have lost 40 pounds EACH and feel so much better!!! Brian has almost reached his goal and I still have about 25 pounds to go and I know now that I can do it!

Hope everyone is well and know that we think of you often.

Love to you all -

Brian & Kathy

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy BELATED Birthday, Kathy!

I'm so sorry that we didn't get a card in the mail for your birthday, I hope it was great! You've accomplished a lot this year - you Biggest Loser, you! (I managed to gain in two weeks just about everything I lost in 2 months - like an alcoholic locked in a liquor store!) It will be exciting to see what the new year brings for you! Love ya! Camille

Happy New Year!

I meant to send everyone a Christmas card, but I just didn't get 'er done. I'm sorry! So, imagine this is coming out of an envelope for you! Love you all!