Monday, November 26, 2007

Seeing is believing.

I decided to do some fall cleanup outside Friday, and in the process I lost a pair of my glasses. Glasses don't come cheap for me because they usually have to be special ordered, and they usually run in excess of $300. I had spent a couple of hours looking for them and I was just getting ready to come back in the house. I let the dogs out to do their business, and when they were done I jokingly told the dogs to help me find my glasses. They immediately put their noses to the ground and, well, you guessed it, one of the dogs, Blossom, found my glasses. I was still walking around looking at the ground, and she barked at me, in a way she had never barked before. I looked over at her, and she was sitting down next to the fence. She looked at me, then at the ground, then back at me again, but she didn't budge. I walked over to her, and she was sitting in front of my glasses. Can you believe that? If somebody had told me this story, I would have been like, "Sure your dog found your glasses".
Seeing is believing, and Blossom got a big chew bone as a reward for her efforts. Bailey got one too, for trying.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Go Vols & Sooners

What an exciting football day. Brian and Kathy, we thought of you as we switched back and forth to see the end of your game. That was just a little too intense. I was glad to have a big lead on OSU for the most part. I needed a little less excitement after the LSU/Arkansas game and then the Tenn/Kentucky game.

Can't wait for next Saturday. GO SOONERS!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving in OK

The table... we were too busy eating to take any other pictures.

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without olive fingers.
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It's unseasonably warm here too.

It was 65 degrees here at eight A.M. this morning.

It's not too often, that you see Christmas trees sitting on a lot with green grass, that needs to be mowed.

Thanksgiving Wishes

Gail, Kathy's sister, wanted to be a part of the video, but she had to hold the camera. She's the one shouting, Action!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Oh, what do you do in the summertime.... or I mean November

Just cooling off on this 80 degree day.

They did say that it was a little cool.
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Price Family Father Christmas

Hello everyone!

We are taking a BIG deep breath today - wrestling for Henry and Sam is over, my Class Act classes are over, the primary program is over, stake YW sports is over. I would love to fill you all in, share photos and video clips, but to be honest, right now I'm just so glad it's over that I don't even want to revisit it all or even look at the photos and video clips. I just want to breathe. Aaaaaahhhh.

And now for the HOLIDAYS! It's a great time of year and we are excited! Just over a month away and we haven't even started! So, we have a question for everybody.

We were wondering if Mom and Dad wanted to do Father Christmas in Germany again this year, or if we were going to keep it stateside. If it stays here, I believe it is the Hatch's turn.

Anyone have any thoughts about that? Post here or email me ASAP.


Still alive in Tennesse.

Sorry about not posting in a long time.
It's amazing how much time school takes up.

This is Max, showing his latest relaxation technique.

Kathy and I were all decked out for the last home game of the season,against Vanderbilt.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Posting correction

Sorry I can't figure out how to edit my last post so here is the one were Kaitlyn tried hard to help feed the cat.

Trigger happy with the videos

So this post may be a bit much but this is just such a great time of life. We went to my sisters house a few weeks ago and Kaitlyn tried hard to help feed the cat.

She was very persistant.

Then at our halloween carnival she loved buzzing around.

Then she helped me rake up the leaves in the yard. She even helped me pack them down :)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Cutest kids

Sorry guys. Our computer crashed but we have a new one now. Cindy wanted a desk top and I wanted a lap top. The only compromise we could come to was to get both so now we have no more excuses since we each have internet access at all times :)It's been a fun few weeks. Love you all. Nate

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Gotcha! Owen sings too!

Owen doing the Holmoe Happy Dance as seen on Zach's blog.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Baptism Day

"Come to my baptism, or my lion will eat your dog."

Just kidding.

Janie's baptism day is Saturday, December 1st at 10:00am. You're ALL invited to come and then stay for lunch afterwards and the premier of the limited release film, "Janie: The Director's Cut."


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Before the transition........

It's hard to believe this is the same person who Camille posted pictures of below.