Friday, July 17, 2009

OFF and ON

The splint/cast comes officially OFF! Hooray! Henry is sporting a FANTASTIC tan!

The living is easy if you're a little kitten on the porch...

It's been, like, two days without the splint... It's time for some more adventure! How about some staples in Sam's knee! Yeah! That'll be great!

These fine staples came with blood loss, shock, near fainting, and a knee shaped hole in the wall for the low, low price of $250!

And, hey, for extra fun we'll time it so we have to get the staples out while we're in Oklahoma! Wahoo! This is gonna be great - a very memorable summer.... yessiree! Actually we're getting so excited to see all of you guys in Oklahoma. It will be a way fun trip!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Book of Mormon boys

Clark the Nephite and Zach the Lamenite... Clark kills Zach in a battle scene.

The Nephite and Lamenite with their family.

Good Times

Although no one can fill his shoes, apparently two children and fill Jason's pants (hee hee).

On our way to the Gold family reunion in West Yellowstone we make the regular stop at our favorite fresh water spring...

Sadly, Meg met a sticky end.

Flying HIGH on the Fourth of July!

Love you guys! Can't wait to be all together in two weeks!

More make up class antics!

The build up of hormones is really taking it's toll.... people keep beating me up!

Can't read my, can't read my... no you can't read my Schnauzer Face!

This week, I'll turn green with Kiwi - become a Kabuki Princess (or monster - not sure) and an old 18th century gossip lady. Stay tuned!