Sunday, January 21, 2007

One more Peterson

This is a great place to spread news fast. A couple of days ago we found out we're pregnant! We're so excited! According to the website I used, I'm due Sept. 18th. Since we didn't know for sure what we were going to name Kaitlyn until the day after she was born, I'm open for suggestions for names on our next child :)
I just wanted to share the good news.
I love you all!!!


Dale T. said...

Cindy and Nate,

We are so thrilled with your news. The world needs more Petersons....especially one as cute as Kaitlyn.

I like "Thor" if it's a boy.


The Gold Gang said...

We go for the timeless and/or biblical names.

How about Peter if it's a boy.
(I'll bet you've never heard that one before!).

Nater said...

I like Thor!!

Elder Tanner said...

Dale's been trying to get Thor forever. Thor Tanner just doesn't sound right, but Thor Peterson has a very strong Viking ring to it.

The Gold Gang said...

I have to agree, Thor Peterson has a nice strong sound to it. It's a name like Rex - nice and strong. Yep... Kaitlyn and Thor.

Maybe if Thor is too strong, you could soften it by using it as a middle name. You could name him Peter Thor Peterson. ;)

The Gold Gang said...

What if this little one is a girl? Any strong Viking GIRL names you can propose?

Or maybe you should keep with the seasonal theme you have going - Merry Kaitlyn because she was born at Christmas. September 18th is near Yom Kippur... how about Hepzibah, Miriam, or Ruth.... good Hebrew names?

Sept. 18th is also near Spud Day, what about a nice potato name, like Burbank, Russet, or Red. Red Peterson... I like it. Or maybe Dusty in honor of the harvest.

Or, September being the end of summer/beginning of fall, you could name her Autumn or Sunny or Caliente.

I just thought I'd toss out a few more ideas. It's good to have options.

Cindy said...

Thor for a boy and Hepzibah for a girl! Good, now we don't have to worry about picking out a name. You guys sure know how to pick unique names. I want to help name your grandchildren!! :) Thanks for the ideas and laughs!

JumpingJeri said...

That is so exciting!! I'm thinking that there are definite names you might want to stay away from. Names like Ethyl, Mertyl, Eleanor, and Ernal, Theodore or Melvin. I think those are just hard names for a baby to deal with!

Love ya, Jeri