Thursday, July 05, 2007

Oh, What Do You Do In the Summertime...

Sometimes you just can't stay inside any longer. We have had 23 straight days of rain. We did have the break yesterday, but it did rain as we were coming home from watching fireworks. At least we had one day to enjoy some sunshine :)


Nater said...

You guys ROCK!!! Enjoy the cool weather. :)

The Gold Gang said...

You look like soggy doggies! We, on the other hand, are BAKING in the dry heat of a west coast heat wave. It's supposed to be over 100 degrees today. Jinkies! If we could only mix the two together... a few days of rain, a few days of dry heat, a few days of rain....

Elder Tanner said...

It looks like you guys will be coming down a little bit and we are going up. We'll have a real Oklahoma summer for the last three weeks of my summer. Jordan should love those 100s when he starts football in August.