Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's Spud Harvest...

That means SNOW in Idaho! Henry had a football game on Saturday the 29th. We knew it would be chilly, and when we saw a few flakes we thought it would pass. We had a steady shower of snow for nearly 4 hours! So, yesterday it got up to maybe 45 degrees. Today, it's supposed to be up to 65. "And here we have Idaho...."

The jersey says GOLD, but the body says COLD!


Tennesseeans said...

Well, it looks like you had an exciting day of weather to accompany the football game. I hope it wasn't too cold. What number is Henry?

Dale T. said...

Gotta love football in Idaho in September....Looks like my man Henry is the start of the team. Way to go Henry G.!!!!

The Gold Gang said...

Sorry to harrass you Brian, but when I saw your question as to what number is Henry I just couldn't help laughing. Look at the picture above the video. The one with Gold on the back of the jersey and the #17 :-)


Tennesseeans said...

When I put the question in I wasn't able to view the picture so I didn't know. :p

Tennesseeans said...

When I put the question in I wasn't able to view the picture so I didn't know. :p