Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Time Has Come....

Alright - you know how when there was a big event coming up Mom and Dad would always do something to the house - repaint, knock out walls, put in new flooring.... Well, there is a big event coming up in about three weeks! Mom and Dad are coming home, so to honor them, we are going to do something to the house. I'm not g0ing to say what because they are probably reading this right now, but I think all of you know what we're going to do, and if you don't, well.... email me.

The bottom line, however, is FUND RAISING! I know it's a squeezy time for all of us, but this is a BIG event, so be as generous as you can. We are planning to do the majority of the work next weekend - over President's Day. So, be as generous as you can .... as soon as possible! You can get the money to me or Boyd by PayPal or snail mail, whichever you prefer. Just let me or Boyd know if you're mailing your contribution.

LOVE YOU ALL! This is going to be a great present for Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

Nater said...

We'll be coming up to help (hope that's alright) on Friday night. Do you mind if we just bring our SIZABLE donation along.