Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a week!

Kidney stones blasted, heads stapled together, stone fragments moving around, morphin drips, and Relief Society meals. It's been quite a week for the Gold Family. Luckily, the kids have really pitched in to help.

Thanks for your prayers in our behalf. We're ON THE MEND and doing better each day. Thanks again! Love from Camille


Tennesseeans said...

Hi Camille -

We hope you are feeling much better and that everyone in your family is doing well.

Y'all are in our thoughts daily and always in our prayers.

Feel better soon!!!

Much love -
Brian & Kathy

Cindy said...

We hope you're feeling a lot better too! It's nice you have such good helpers that find the most efficient ways to get things done. Good idea Henry! ;) We love you!
Cindy and family

Nater said...

I hope you keep getting better and in a quick way too. What good kids, keep up the good work guys!!
Love you all!