So my raspberries are on. Yesterday, I picked a gallon of berries! I picked every luscious red berry, thinking I wouldn't have to pick again until Saturday. Imagine my suprise when I looked at my berry patch this morning! I'm off to pick another gallon! I had to share my pictures, they're so pretty - and they taste divine!
I'm jealous... I love raspberries. They do look delicious.
Wow... this is a family blog. For a little while there I was thinking it was the Chris Tanner blog...LOL
No doubt! I guess with Cathy and all the Hatchling's current state of mind, the fact that Brent is in jail, and Boyd and LeAnn don't even look at the blog anymore.... it's kind of turned into a Chris Tanner, Brian Price, Nate Peterson, and sometimes Camille Gold blog! I hope to educate Mom in the coming weeks so she can participate. She was telling me that she was having problems looking at the blog today.
We're glad you haven't abandoned the blog, though. It would be so boring without you!
Those berries look DEEElicious...Can you send us a gallon?
oh good thing that were on are way!i'm gonna eat them all.
Some people came to look at our house and they really liked it i think that they are going to buy it, my mom told them that school in idaho starts a week early (a.k.a in 2 weeks) and then my dad said to the lady if you wanted to move in,in a week then we could do that.And the lady said "so you just really need to get going up there,o.k. "i'm kind of excited now
idahoioans i think you'll be seeing us reeeel soon.!:)
Love; HEIDI**:)
Hey, I comment too ;) It's a Cindy Peterson blog too
eh hem, i'm look at the blog about every day and type every once and a while.
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