Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Two reasons to love Oklahoma!!

We went to dinner Friday night before the high school game in Norman. Barry Switzer was there for a pre-game promotional event having dinner with a group of people who had won some contest.

Just gotta love it!!

Politcal Humor

The Presidential election was too close to call. Neither the Republican candidate nor the Democratic candidate had enough votes to win. There was much talk about ballot recounting, court challenges, etc., but a week-long ice fishing competition seemed the sportsmanlike way to settle things. The candidate that caught the most fish at the end of the week would win the election.

After much back and forth discussion, it was decided that the contest would take place on a remote frozen lake in northern Minnesota .

There were to be no observers present, and both men were to be sent out separately on this isolated lake and return at 5 P.M. with their catch for counting and verification by a team of neutral parties.. At the end of the first day, John McCain returned to the starting line and he had ten fish.

Soon, Obama returned and had no fish. Well, everyone assumed he was just having another 'bad hair' day or something and hopefully, he would catch up the next day.

At the end of the 2nd day John McCain came in with 20 fish and Obama came in again with none.

That evening, Harry Reid got together secretly with Obama and said, 'Obama, I think John McCain is a low-life, cheatin' son-of-a-gun.. I want you to go out tomorrow and don't even bother with fishing. Just spy on him and see just how he is cheating.'

The next night (after John McCain returns with 50 fish), Harry Reid said to Obama, 'Well, tell me, how is he cheating?'

Obama replied, 'Harry, you're not going to believe this, but he's cutting holes in the ice.'

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Peterson Update

Hello All,
We are settling in pretty well here in Knoxville. I left Idaho with sweatshirts and long pants for the kids but now it's back to shorts and t-shirts. Kaitlyn is 100% recovered. Tonight we were following Nate to a store (we both drove) and Kaitlyn kept saying "go faster mommy". Then when we were approaching the stoplight and it was yellow she said "stay yellow, stay yellow". Cade must be teething because he's been very fussy, but he's still wild just before bed. If you click on the link to see our blog Nate posted some videos of the kids. They're pretty funny! We are happy to be here and look forward to this adventure. We will miss being so close to you all in Idaho, but are happy to be close to Brain and Kathy. And we're closer to the Tanners, right?
Just FYI: my friend/mission companion, Tammy Stevens, just got married.
My new cell number is: 865-243-7194.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Meg! Dreams Really Do Come True...

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

I'm so happy!

I have officially been accepted at BYU-Idaho! I'm a real student beginning (I think) winter semester (Jan. - Apr.). I'm so excited (and grateful) that I just had to share! Love ya'll!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our POOR Puppy!

Our poor little Kitty dog has been sick for a while. She had these funky sores on her legs that the vet originally thought were racoon bites. So, we treated her with three different types of anitbiotic over the past 5 months, but to no avail. We finally stopped going to the vet, hoping it would "run it's course." But, the sores seemed to spread. Recently, we saw that where the sores were the most heavily concentrated - her legs - she was actually losing her hair! We took her back to the vet and they decided to shave her down to the skin, hoping that would help heal these sores. Since no groomers would touch her with the sores, she has looked pretty mangy since March. Well - I don't know if this is much better, but we hope it will help her get better. You can see that she is just covered with those nasty sores! They are running a biopsy, trying to figure out what is up with our little pooch. The vet thought it could be some parasite they've not encountered before or.... doggy Lupus! So, we wait for a week to find out the fate of our little Kitty. We are so sad for her, but at the same time we love (and laugh at) our little naked dog - she shivers constantly!

When it started to rain, we suddenly couldn't find our dog!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Funny mission story

In a letter I got from Zach this week he told this funny story:

We went to Wal-Mart tonight and some random black lady was squinting like she was trying to read something behind me, but she run up to me and squeezed me in a hug hard enough to suffocate a turtle and said, "Hey, Sugar, I just needed a hug from Jesus today!"

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Just a NEWSFLASH! Henry & Josh's team won 34-6 today. It was a fun game to watch. The center cracked a rib in their last game and can't play for (probably) the rest of the season. So, Henry volunteered for the position & has done a great job. He was a little nervous for his first game as center, but he did really well. He was happy and the coaches were happy.

Josh also got a new position on the team. He plays tight end now - I don't really know what he was playing before.... three back? Anyway, he made a SWEET catch in the endzone today. He had three guys covering him and he just reached those long ol' arms up and plucked the pass out of the air to make the touchdown. It was so fun to watch! Of course, my camera was pointed at the ground because I was too busy watching and not videoing the play! Jason was chatting with an old high school buddy and missed the whole thing! It was great - a fun game today.

Just wanted to keep you all POSTED!

Meg is part of an all-girl flag football league and has her first game on Thursday - should be fun. I'll post photos and video fer shur.

Janie started taking piano lessons from Katie Hatch, and really enjoys that - to my surprise. She continues to be an utter socialite who cares deeply about her appearance.

Sam continues to explore the avenues of his imagination and ability. He has broken from tradition and chosen to play the trumpet in band instead of the saxaphone. He practices frequently, and we love it because he loves it. Although, he is a little TOO obsessed with the notion that trumpet players make the best kissers for my comfort! He has also recently learned how to crack Russ's Australian bullwhip. So if he's not playing scales with his trumpet, he's cracking the whip. He is such a gem!

Russ is doing well, too. He was recently given a promotion at work - rather they finally gave him the title and pay for the work he already does (isn't that always the way). He continues to be the rock we all tie our wacky lives to - so steady and stable and... hot. And, for those of you who don't know, I have finished working at the elementary school to become the director of the drama program at the high school. I don't teach the class, but I will do all of the directing of plays and other productions. I get paid a little stipend and with Russ's promotion, I could quit working at the elementary school. Truly, this is such a blessing from Heavenly Father because I also started my BYU-Idaho classes again and I think I would have crumbled under the load!

Alrighty-O! There's the news update! I hope to send some video of photos sometime soon!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Mom Price Makes Headlines.....Happy Birthday!

Jordan's Big Debut

Following in the footsteps of his big brothers, Jordan marched in his first home game tonight. PCN won by a lopsided 45-7 against a cross-town foe.

Everybody wants him.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Birthday Sundae

We had a sister's lunch and went shopping with Mom today for her birthday. Afterward, we went to Leatherby's Family Creamery and shared a HUGE ice cream Sunday...

The hot fudge sauce was SOOOOOOOO good, we couldn't get enough! Especially MOM!

Wanna see that again, close up?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

New address

Here is Nate (and sound to be Cindys) new temporary address:
401 S Gallaher View Rd #204
Knoxville, TN 37919

Not that anyone writes letters or sends packages anymore anyway but just incase you were dying to know.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Just wondering.

If anyone ever gets on the blog, I made a change to the background. For some reason not everyone can see it. On our desktop we can't get it, but on the laptop we can. Let me know if you have a background on the blog when you're on or if it's just white.
