Saturday, September 13, 2008


Just a NEWSFLASH! Henry & Josh's team won 34-6 today. It was a fun game to watch. The center cracked a rib in their last game and can't play for (probably) the rest of the season. So, Henry volunteered for the position & has done a great job. He was a little nervous for his first game as center, but he did really well. He was happy and the coaches were happy.

Josh also got a new position on the team. He plays tight end now - I don't really know what he was playing before.... three back? Anyway, he made a SWEET catch in the endzone today. He had three guys covering him and he just reached those long ol' arms up and plucked the pass out of the air to make the touchdown. It was so fun to watch! Of course, my camera was pointed at the ground because I was too busy watching and not videoing the play! Jason was chatting with an old high school buddy and missed the whole thing! It was great - a fun game today.

Just wanted to keep you all POSTED!

Meg is part of an all-girl flag football league and has her first game on Thursday - should be fun. I'll post photos and video fer shur.

Janie started taking piano lessons from Katie Hatch, and really enjoys that - to my surprise. She continues to be an utter socialite who cares deeply about her appearance.

Sam continues to explore the avenues of his imagination and ability. He has broken from tradition and chosen to play the trumpet in band instead of the saxaphone. He practices frequently, and we love it because he loves it. Although, he is a little TOO obsessed with the notion that trumpet players make the best kissers for my comfort! He has also recently learned how to crack Russ's Australian bullwhip. So if he's not playing scales with his trumpet, he's cracking the whip. He is such a gem!

Russ is doing well, too. He was recently given a promotion at work - rather they finally gave him the title and pay for the work he already does (isn't that always the way). He continues to be the rock we all tie our wacky lives to - so steady and stable and... hot. And, for those of you who don't know, I have finished working at the elementary school to become the director of the drama program at the high school. I don't teach the class, but I will do all of the directing of plays and other productions. I get paid a little stipend and with Russ's promotion, I could quit working at the elementary school. Truly, this is such a blessing from Heavenly Father because I also started my BYU-Idaho classes again and I think I would have crumbled under the load!

Alrighty-O! There's the news update! I hope to send some video of photos sometime soon!


Elder Tanner said...

And that is what the fridge is all about!!!

Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

Nater said...

THANKS CAMILLE!!! I think congratulations are in order: Congrats to Josh & Henry!!! You guys are rock stars in my book :)
Congrats to Meg YOU ROCK!!
Congrats to Janie for being the perfect princess.
Congrats to you Camille for the new job, going back to school, and for just being awesome.
Finally, congrats to Russ on the promition and just for being HOT!!

Dale T. said...