Thursday, December 11, 2008

One to go....


Boyd: 204 --------- Asian Mulligan --------- ?
Dale: 267 ---------------- ? ----------------- ?
Jeri: 191.5 -------------- 196.5 ---------- (-2.61%)
LeAnn: 144 ------------- 145 ------------ (-0.69%)
Camille: 194 -------------187 ------------- 3.61%
Jason: 218.8 ------------ 208.8 ----------- 4.57%
Brian: 266 -------------- 248 ------------- 6.77%

No suprise - the Biggest Loser This Week is our very own...
Kathy: 211 ------------- 196.5 ------------ 6.87%

But does she have this contest wrapped up? It will be an exciting week (for some of us, anyway)! Will Kathy persevere to be the Biggest Loser of Them ALL? Will Brian return to his Navy ways and submarine her? Will Jason go into wrestling mode - pull out the Saran Wrap and the spit cup - to be the Dark Horse in this race? TUNE IN NEXT WEEK for the SUPRISING END of a contest well played. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OF US!

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