Monday, June 04, 2007

Laundry Laughter

Jordan and Owen have arrived at the age that they will be doing their own laundry. Jordan has been wearing his swimming suit for 2 days because that is all that is clean. Tonight Dale was getting ready to leave town for a couple of days and I was asking if he needed something washed. Jordan piped up and said, "it's time you start doing your own." Dale then realized that he didn't have any clean white socks. Jordan said, "Welcome to the world of not having clean clothes."


Nater said...

I'd like to take this time to publicly thank Cindy for doing my laundry most of the time. :)

Tennesseeans said...

......and I'd like to thank Kathy for doing mine also. You just gotta love the smell of "April Fresh".
Jordan, someday you'll have a wife and if you're really nice she'll do your laundry for you too.

Nater said...

Unfortunately Jordan,

Part of being really nice in exchange for laundry usually means that you have to do the dishes on occasion and take out the trash. I think it's worth it though :)