Friday, June 29, 2007

The Lemonade Stand

I wish I had a picture.

Yesterday, the kids put up a lemonade stand while I was visiting teaching. They earned over $8 at $.25 per glass. LeAnn helped them divide the money fairly. Meg made $1 because she didn't stick around that long, Tommy made $2, Henry and Sam each made $.50 (or something) and Janie made $4. She was the tenacious one who stuck it out the longest. When she told us that she had stood on the corner by the stop sign with a poster to advertise, I asked her if she was wearing her swimming suit (She's been in that thing for 5 days straight - it can practically stand up by itself). And when she told us that, yes, she was wearing her swimming suit... well, it just struck me as funny to picture our neighbors and even a few big semi trucks with loads of potatoes stopping to buy lemonade from this little girl in her swimming suit... holding up a poster as if she were a model on The Price is Right. It was just so cute and so funny - I had to share it.

Love you all!



Tennesseeans said...

That's pretty good.
Looks like you've got a little entrepreneur on your hands.

Nater said...

$4!!!!!!!!! Way to go Janie!!!

JumpingJeri said...

Janie- you swim suit Gal,
When you start your own company, I want to invest in it because I know its going to be a great success!! Good job on the lemonade stand!!!
Love ya, Jeri