Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thanks for a great week!

Our family had been looking forward to our trip to Idaho from the minute that Mom and Dad left for Germany. I'm so glad that every one of you could be there to visit while we were there....especially Kathy and Brian. It was so great to finally meet you. This is a crazy bunch, but they seem to grow on you.;-)

I'm so thankful to be a part of such a large, loving family. Although Chris and I are just "4 tanks away", we think about all of you often, and like you, sometimes wish that we were closer to enjoy more of these "family moments". I believe that we are where the Lord wants us and needs us at this point in our lives. With the technologies that we enjoy, you all are closer than you have ever been.

It was so great to see the "youngest amongust"....Nate and Cindy's family. You are probably all sick of me telling the story, but it just didn't seem possible so I had to keep repeating it...Cindy was just 8 years old (Janie's age) the year that Chris and I were married. It seems like yesterday. Uncle Nater is the perfect match for our little sister. Together they have made 2 beautiful children...way to go guys!
Thankfully Nate has so much energy, and is able to entertain the boys for hours. He is their real-live hero.

It's late and I need to hit the hay. I just wanted all of you to know how much we love you. Thanks again for the many memories that my family has taken away from a wonderful week with all of you.

Uncle Dale
"Go Sooners"


Cindy said...

It was such a fun few days with you guys!! It would be nice if we could all get together more often, but we'll take what we can get! I can't believe how time flies either! Man, you guys are old if I was only 8 when you were married ;)

Nater said...

Thanks Dale. It sure was fun to have you guys around. Maybe I should be looking for work in Oklahoma. :) We look forward to seeing you guys again next summer. Don't tell Jordan but I had a pretty good fist sized bruise on my leg and now I owe him one. I had a blast sledding, shooting, and tunneling with your boys; they're awesome. Keep up the good work!