Monday, September 01, 2008

Just wondering.

If anyone ever gets on the blog, I made a change to the background. For some reason not everyone can see it. On our desktop we can't get it, but on the laptop we can. Let me know if you have a background on the blog when you're on or if it's just white.



Dale T. said...

I can see the changes from YOUR laptop...;-)

Nater said...

I see a white background. Is that what I'm supposed to see?

Elder Tanner said...

Bummer. I made a cool background with a fridge. I'm going to have to figure out what the problem is... maybe it's not me... maybe it's you :)

Elder Tanner said...

I think I've got it figured out. If you are using the K9 filter you need to go into the administration and unblock open image/media search. You should then see my beautiful artwork! :)

Nater said...

I see it now I see it. Just had to get on my computer instead of my dang work computer. VERY WELL DONE CHRIS.

The Gold Gang said...

Very fun! I can see the fridge! You're so clever!