Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Time to give us your guess....

Clark's papers are in and the wait begins. I think we all need to guess where he will serve and see who is the closest.

My guess is somewhere in South America.

Clark hopes somewhere in Europe.

For those of you who live near the "non-bloggers" spread the word and help them log on and reply :)

Love you all!!!


Nater said...

Chile.... come on Chris be more specific. If you don't submit a more specific guess then I change my guess to earth.

Cindy said...

Asia (like Japan, Phillipeans, Korea or somewhere) Are all of those places considered Asia ;)

Elder Tanner said...

Okay.... Paraguay. How's that Nate?

Clark wants to go to France, to be more specific!!

Elder Tanner said...

Owen says Philippines.

The Gold Gang said...

I say.... Ukraine. I want to see Clark in a furry hat like Grampa's! ;)

Tennesseeans said...

Brian says South America or Iceland and Kathy is going to be different and say Kentucky!