Saturday, April 28, 2007


i dont know if mom was really clear here...

i need to call this guy back next week and give him an exact number for the tour of the conference center...keep in mind that this tour is NOT the regular tour that EVERYBODY and their dog gets...this is a once in a lifetime SUPER behind-the-scenes tour that you get when you know somebody in high places!

so if you are planning on going with me and mom, please let me know so i can give this guy an official number...the tour is Monday at 4


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Peter Pan

I hope you're not all video clip saturated! Here are a few bits and pieces of what I've been whining about for the past month. Our Peter Pan play was a great success. We raised over $1500 for PTA activities, library books, and PE equipment. FYI - Janie was in one of the little pre-show plays that was done before Peter Pan. Enjoy! We sure did! Love you!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hope everyone can make it!

It sounds like it would work better for everyone if we did a later session on Saturday. Those of you who can, let's try to go to the SLC temple around 5 or 6 or 7. Let me know what would be best.

Zach worked with someone who does the sound system at the conference center when he was at the Hill Cumorah last summer. He is going to give as a behind the scenes tour of the conference center Monday at 4:00. Unfortunately, you have to be over 12 to be able to do the backstage tour. Anyone that wants to join us is welcome. I know that is kind of hard because of school and everything, but you're invited if you want to be there.

The main thing that we want to do is spend time with family. So hope to see all of you.

See in next week.

April Antics

Here is a little clip of what we've been up to the past few weeks.

Love from Camille

Monday, April 23, 2007

Birthday memories (Brent & Katie)

So this has been a pretty fun week. We started out at the Hatches for Brents birthday. The party was great fun, however, I think we could have performed the worst b-day song ever.

Then this weekend the Hatches and Petersons went to Monticello and played for the weekend. I believe Katies bday song turned out much better.

Thanks for the fun memories everyone,

Nate, Cindy, & Kaitlyn

Monday, April 16, 2007

Second try

Hint #1 the words are in the right order, its just the letters in each word are messed up and the spacing is a little off.
Hint #2, ud Owl = would
Hint #3 h it w = with
I sure hope she deciphers it in time!!!! I don't know if she has even seen it. If you figure it out maybe you could help her!

Read set me all I cud Owl uyogoo Tromph it wem lover ou Yamn Surs

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Look Everybody........Frosted Lilacs

Have you ever seen the lilacs in bloom and snow at the same time?
Neither have we.

If you click on the picture you can really see the detail of the flowers and the snow.

Snow in April.......Round 2

Look what happened in Tennessee...............again.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

"It's True Sir - All Present and Accounted For"

I'm sure most of you have seen this painting by our cousin Clark.

If you haven't read the background Clark wrote about this it's pretty awesome.

I don't think Clark would mind too much that I'm including it in this post.
"Seldom in the annals of history has there been such an inspiring example of unwavering faith in God as was exhibited by the valiant young sons of the Ammonites. These two thousand and sixty young men were a "Great support" to their country's defense. Though they had never fought, the scriptures tell us "they were exceedingly valiant for courage . . . . . and true at all times in whatsoever thing they were instructed. They were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God, and to walk up rightly before God." (Alma 53:20-21) Their mothers had especially influenced their faith. Their commanding officer, Helaman, called them his "sons," "for they are worthy to be called sons," he said. (Alma 56:10) They called him "father", such was the love and respect they had for him.
This scene depicts the moment when Helaman (shown on his horse) learns from a subordinate officer that all two thousand and sixty of his beloved sons have survived a terrible battle in which everyone of them have "received many wounds." This was the second time this had occurred, though many other soldiers in the army had perished, this "little band" under Helaman's leadership, lost not a single man. Speaking of this unbelievable occurrence, Helaman states, "two hundred out of my two thousand and sixty had fainted because of the loss of blood; nevertheless, according to the goodness of God and to our great astonishment, and also the joy of the whole army, there was not one soul of them who did perish.
"And now, their preservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea that they would be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain, and we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe - that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, they should be preserved by His marvelous power. Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken. They are young and their minds are firm and they do put their trust in God continually." (Alma 57:25-27) Helaman had also stated in his epistle to his commanding general, Moroni, that "as the remainder of our army were about to give way before the Lamanites, behold those two thousand and sixty were firm and undaunted. Yea, they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their mothers had taught them." (Alma 57:20-21)
It is my hope that in painting this poignant scene from the Book of Mormon, it will enable us to stand with them in their ranks, to absorb their marvelous spirit, that we many be one with them, and they with us, "all present and accounted for" in the final battle against the forces of Satan in these last days. - Clark Kelly Price "

This one's for you Zach

You requested it so here it is.............a post in honor of those who froze and roasted in the weather of Idaho to ensure the crops would grow.


Secret message hmmmm?

Read set me all I cud Owl uyogoo Tromph it wem lover ou Yamn Surs

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yea, what can I say!

Wassup ya'll! Disclaimer first off is that I was saying wassup, way before it became this "african american" lingo word so there! Just don't call me a nappy joe, or you might get fired! :-)

As I am sure the rest of you can empathize our lives are a bit crazy as of late, so I too have slacked off on my blogging responsibilities. I apologize, I will try to be a better blogPa.

BlogPa....a father, pa or dad who posts to blogs? Thats called a sniglet, a word that doesn't show up in the dictionary but should, they are fun. Here's a couple of my favorites.

Napjerk... when you nod off and quickly return your head to its place open your eyes and try to appear as awake as possible. Commonly accompanied by an embarassing snort.

Aquadextrous... being able to turn off your filling tub with your toes.

lipsdexic... when you try to speak and it all comes out upside down and backwards. Occurs frequently right at that moment which you wish to sound the most eloquent or when you are angry.
EG... Boy! Get that jackpackback thingamawatchcallit off my....wooden thing we eat on before I bottom yur spankens!!!

See ya in the funnies!!!


Monday, April 09, 2007

NY Photos

check out photos from my trip to NEW YORK

it's here...

i'm 19...

23 days and counting...

To the united sisterhood of the unicorns

This egg is dedicated to you all. I hope all your wildest dreams came true this Easter season!
Love, Cindy

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I thought it was Spring.

Look at what we woke up to this morning.

It's crazy!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Spring Football

A great way to shake those pre-summer blues...Tomorrow is the OU spring football scrimmage, and will be televised on ESPN, starting at 12:00 Noon MST. They are expecting 40,000 at the stadium. The exciting thing this year will be the scramble to see who gets the starting QB job. The front runner is a kid from Zach and Clark's high school, Putnam City North. He is a red-shirt freshman, and has an arm like a cannon. During his senior year, he was a tutor and the local elementary school, and Owen had his picture taken with him...who knows. ;-)

Summer is so long with no football....this will help.

Uncle Dale

Thursday, April 05, 2007

BLOG...not a bulletin board

the reason we post on blogs is to receive comments, we want feedback on the things that we share with you!

i had an interesting analogy that i came up with yesterday and i shared it with mom...she seemed to like it...what do you think?

imagine you're at a family reunion/ward social/gala know the kind...just a large gathering of people...and you share a great story about some hilarious event that happened in your life and you're just loving telling the story! and then when you finish, you notice that you are the only one laughing and that everyone else is just staring back at you, kinda with the whole "stupor of thought" thing goin on...telling the story seems kinda pointless now eh? but then, two weeks later, out of the blue, someone comes up to you and says "hey, you remember that story you told a couple weeks ago? i thought it was the funniest thing! i was laughing so hard i fell on the floor!" how could you have known this? when you told the story, hardly anyone even blinked, much less died of laughter...

we call this....a PARADOX...two things that could not have possibly occured at the same could not have laughed and not laughed at the same time...its one or the anyone grasping on here?

we post for comments...the reason people hardly ever post anymore is because *GASP* LACK OF COMMENTS!!....whew...glad i got THAT off my chest! so whadda ya say team? can we do it? just remember the simple formula

post + COMMENTS = more posts



Monday, April 02, 2007