Sunday, May 27, 2007

God's little miracles.

Kathy and I were talking about what how amazing hummingbirds are. They truly are one of God's little miracles.
Each time we see them for the first time we know summer is truly here.


Elder Tanner said...

I've always been amazed by these small creatures.

Tennesseeans said...

These little creatures show up on our deck first thing in the morning and usually around 8:00 at night. It doesn't matter how many times I see them I am constantly amazed by the beauty that God has created.

Hope everyone is having a great day.
Lots of love - Kathy

Nater said...

That is a great picture. My mom has always had bird feeders and I often saw humming birds come but I've never seen one sit still. The roadrunners, on the other hand, don't hardly ever move.

Tennesseeans said...

I saw a roadrunner once when I lived in California. I was out walking and went around a curve and there it was. You're right - it didn't move a muscle - but I sure did!!! It scared the life out of me!!
Have a great day!

The Gold Gang said...

The only thing close to a hummingbird I've seen is one of those big moths that fly like hummingbirds.