Monday, June 16, 2008

Melt my heart fathers day

On Sunday morning I was going to put Kaitlyn down for a nap. She wanted to lay on the floor to read stories. So we put a couple pillows and blankets down and she snuggled up to me while I read her stories. Somewhere early in the second story I fell asleep and Kaitlyn left the room quietly.
After a while I woke up as Kaitlyn had returned, knelt down next to me, and gave me a great big hug. She said, "I wuv you daddy. Happy Fathers Day daddy!" and then gave me an Eskimo kiss followed by butterfly kisses. It was so sweet. She probably told me happy fathers day 40 times yesterday.
Cindy did a great job too. Thanks hun for cooking lunch, letting me sleep in until 6:30, and letting me watch the end of the Lakers/Celtics game :) It really was a great day.
We had a great time in Idaho Friday and Saturday. Happy Fathers Day to all you dads!

Everyone please read Camilles post right after this. I felt bad posting this right now. I felt like that post should spend some time at the top until everyone had read it. Sorry Camille.


Tennesseeans said...

Hey Nate -
Sounds like you had a great Father's Day and I'm sure much deserved! How lucky you are to have such a sweet family!
Please tell Cindy hello and give the little ones a hug and kiss for me!
Can't wait until we are all together again.
Much Love - Kathy

Nater said...

Thanks Kathy! Done, hugs and kisses I can do. Can't wait to see you guys again! I hope everything is going well for you.