Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Biggest Loser Week 1 - Initial Weigh In

Alrighty, the weights are in:
LeAnn - 144
Jeri - 191.5
Camille - 194
Boyd - 204
Jason - 218.8
Brian - 266
Dale - 267

Each week, I'll post your beggining weight with your new weight and a percentage of how much you've lost. All of you emailed your weight to me this week, which was great and we can continue that way, OR you can just post your weight here on the blog. BUT in order to keep the blog clear for others, post your weight as a comment to whoever posts first. I ususally post my weight first thing Monday morning, so you can comment to my post and give your weight there. Does that make sense? Good luck this week!

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