Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Cindy!!!!!! Happy birthday to you!
For those of you who don't know today is Cindy's 32nd birthday ;) It probably won't be one of her most enjoyable birthdays ever since on Tuesday Cade went to the doctor and came home diagnosed with a double ear infection, tonsillitis, and the early stages of pink eye. Yesterday Kaitlyn went to the doctor and came home with a double ear infection and spent most of the night coughing, tossing & turning, and moaning with a high fever. Sadie is cutting teeth (probably 4-6 at a time like our other kids) and I had to go to work today.
I'll do my best to make it end well but I'm sure a phone call and/or e-mail would be appreciated today ;)
Cindy is doing a great job. Everyone of you who know her would be very proud. The kids are now almost 4, 2 1/2, and 5 months old. They all play very well together and are the happiest three little kids you'll ever meet. Cindy is fantastic wife, mother and friend. I'm sure being home all day cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, coloring, gluing, and listening to dumbo and Dora isn't the most exhilarating way to spend your time but she does it and keeps a very positive attitude. I love you hun!!! Thanks for all you do and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!