Monday, January 04, 2010

Week 1: What are a few of your New Years resolutions?


Nater said...

1. Read entire Book of Mormon & keep up with Sunday School lessons.

2. Write in my journal atleast every other week.

3. Excercise regularly and get my weight down to 205 lbs.

4. Start a business.

5. Get rid of Vegas & Utah houses & start getting out of debt.

6. Attend temple atleast monthly.

7. Have FHE weekly

8. Take Cindy on a weekly date.

9. To the dishes & laundry weekly.

10. Invite atleast 5 people to read the Book of Mormon, come church & hear the missionary discussions.

The Gold Gang said...

New Year's Resolutions... hmmmmm.

I want to get straight A's in my classes this year - the next 3 semesters.

I want to be more professional in how I manage the shows at the high school.

I am going to work on my self-confidence, and be more positive about myself.

I want to invite at least one family (not related to us) to come to our house for dinner.

I know I should say "lose weight" but I'm not going to jinx myself.

I want to develop a new pattern for daily scripture and prayer, since my old pattern no longer works.

So there you go. Great idea, Nate! I'll do my best to spread the word.

The Gold Gang said...

i am going to try and eat healther this year meg

Tennesseeans said...


Read my Bible and pray daily!

Have a positive outlook on life.

Continue to lose weight and be more active.

Finish projects in the house.

Be thankful every single day!

Cindy said...

A few of mine are:

Be consistent in personal prayer and scripture study.

Be a lot more patient with my kids.

Read more books so I feel like I'm thinking a lot more :).

Try to use my time on things that matter most.