Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's okay to post without pictures

I just wanted to post something without pictures so that those of you that are waiting to post when you get some pictures will realize that it's okay to post just text. I'm sure that there are things happening in your lives that you can tell the rest of us about. Since I have had no luck getting you on the phone, I would love to keep in touch through this. I know you're all busy, but for those of us that live farther than a days drive, this is a great place to stay connected.

I can't believe that it is almost Thanksgiving. We're having the missionaries and a sister in our ward who is here just for a few months at the FAA Academy. It's great to have a ward family to fill the void of being so far away from our families.

Clark got a job this week at Chick Filet. The good thing about it is that they are closed on Sundays. The owner is a good Christian man that believes in keeping the Sabbath day holy. It's great to know there are a few of those left.

Owen has his 5th grade musical this week. He's Chip in the "Cyber Kids" musical. It is amazing what our music teacher gets out of a bunch of 10 and 11 year olds. Everyone in 5th grade is involved. Zach is finally getting the chance to play "Stars and Stripes Forever" written for eight hands. His piano teacher found 3 other people interested in playing this piece with Zach. He's excited and we're looking forward to hearing it.

Jordan is enjoying life and doing great in school. He has a lot of friends and many of the pink variety. He was invited to a birthday party, but it was on Sunday so he didn't go. The girls brought him a goodie bag after the party with a mug with his name on it and some candy.

Camille, could you add the blogarithm on the Munich Letters page so we know when you've posted something new? I kept checking my email thinking we should have some news from Mom and Dad and finally saw that it was on the Blog.

It's great to hear Mom sounding like a missionary. Dale laughed when she talked about justifying their trip with the dinner appointment and showing of the DVD. How neat it is that she's playing the piano. Piano players are so needed in the church everywhere. Keep practicing all of you piano students. You are going to be of great service as you get older.

Love all ya'll (that's plural for ya'll).
Hope to read more about what's happening in your lives soon.


The Gold Gang said...

Chris - that is an excellent idea, to put Blogarithm on the Missionary page. I had thought of it before, but I guess I just needed that little push to get'er done.

Thanks! And thanks for supporting the blog! I hope it can stay alive!


SupermanOfOKC said...
