Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's time for.... the SPECULATION GAME!

Welcome, welcome everyone! It's time for the old favorite game called SPECULATION! Let's get some volunteers from our internet audience to share their SPECTACULAR SPECULATIONS as to where Zach will serve his mission!

My guess is somewhere in Asia. Zach can make a BIG impact on those people. He will be a GIANT among men in that beautiful land.

Any other speculations out there?


SupermanOfOKC said...

I already know where i'm going!

I'm going where the Lord and the people need me!



(hopefully somewhere where i can speak English tho!) :-)

Elder Tanner said...

Hmmm...let's see. I have no inkling of an idea. I will say England.

Tennesseeans said...

I believe it will be some Scandanavian about Iceland? Is that considered Scandanavian?

Dale T. said...

Akron, OH.....;-)

Nater said...

I think France for some reason, but I also want to speculate a call to South America somewhere.
Nate says Argentina if you're lucky.
We think you should record opening the mission call and then post it. That's going to be a great day very soon.

Love ya,

The Gold Gang said...

Zach, you need to listen to your Auntie Cindy! What an excellent idea to record your mission call opening so we all can see and hear! I love that! Please do it, please, please, please, please! - Aunt Camille

SupermanOfOKC said...

i was already planning on it!

SupermanOfOKC said...
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JumpingJeri said...

How about Buffalo NY! Home of the lake effect.