Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween, Gosh!

When people ask me what I'm going to be for Halloween, I tell them, "Whatever I feel like, Gosh!"

We had a lot of fun at the family Halloween party! It was a good thing because the next day was a lot of work! The roof on the house is all but finished and the outside painting is done. Inside, there is some touch up painting left to do, the countertops, installing sinks, etc. and then clean up and carpet! The END IS NEAR! I'm hoping to send a video clip of everyone on the roof later today, but if my day gets submarined.... well, I hope my good intentions will suffice until I send out the full footage with the Christmas video. LOVE YOU ALL!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Need more Pics

We need more pictures of Cade. We haven't seen any in a few weeks and they grow and change so much so quickly. Please post some for us far away folks. :)

Nature's Beauty

Jeri just sent me these. She went for a walk this week at Utah Lake State Park. Looks very peaceful. Send more, Jeri!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, October 12, 2007

Business Account

I opened a small business account the day before yesterday, and it was just such an exciting and official feeling I had to share it with you all. My little Acting & Theater classes - the business is called Class Act - is doing well. I have 30 students, several of them in more than one class. I still feel good about teaching those classes - I feel in many ways that right now we are being asked to STRETCH as a family. This week we have been stretched nearly to the breaking point! Brian wanted an update - so here is the week in review:

On Monday Henry worked on the roof at the house in Shelley all day and then had football practice until 8:00pm. Monday was our last day of harvest break, so we wanted to get to bed early, but with football & then dinner & FHE we didn't get to bed until 10:30. Russ still wasn't home from work, due to some complications out at the site, and ended up pulling an all nighter - he slept at the site and had a can of soup for breakfast on Tuesday. Tuesday was the first day back to school (and work for me at Sunrise Elementary). Henry started wrestling that day after school and went directly from wrestling to football practice. While Henry was at football, we took Kitty to her "boyfriend" in Idaho Falls - we're hoping our Kitty will have puppies (we think we're so funny). Then we rushed back to get ready for roadshow practice after mutal, that went from 8:30 - 9:30 and once again we had a late dinner and went to bed late. Wednesday, Henry didn't go to wrestling because he had his FINAL football game that night, but I had my first day with Stake Young Women's basketball after school, so I didn't get home until 45 minutes before we had to leave again. Henry won his game - HOORAY - but wanted to stay after to watch the other 7th grade team (the better team) play the game after his. So Russ and the kids stayed to watch the game while I went to Stake Choir practice at 8:30pm. After the game and choir, we went home to another late dinner and bed after 11:00pm. Thursday, I drove the kids to school after letting them sleep in a bit. I came home and added all of Henry's wrestling tournaments & practices to my calendar (Sam's wrestling schedule will come next week) and went to work. After work, I ran errands and then taught Class Act for 3 1/2 hours, Henry walked to the theater from wrestling and Meg walked to the park from the theater for her football game. After my last class, I hurried over to the city park to see the very end of Meg's game - Russ was already there - then we went up to Idaho Falls to pick up Kitty from her boyfriend's house. They had been working hard, so we celebrated with pizza and actually made it home and in bed by 9:00. So, today I will go to work and Russ will work at the house in Shelley with Boyd. After work, I will take Janie, Meg, & Sam to the dentist. Henry will wrestle then go to a friend's slumber party without actually sleeping over because we have roadshow practice at 7:30 am on Saturday, after which we will probably drive to Preston, ID for our nephew's baptism. WHEW! Does this stretching schedule sound familiar to any of you?

The good thing is that football is all but over. Meg's last game is Tuesday and then we're done. But wrestling starts, so we're never out of the fire for very long. We've made a conscious effort to cut back on activities and extras - so this is our schedule cut back (we eliminated Power Tap, Dancing, & Fencing). It is just a busy time in our lives right now. Life is always CRAZY - different kinds of crazy, but always crazy. Whether it's little babies and sleepless nights or driving yourself mad driving your kids everywhere they need to be or sleepless nights caused by night owl teenagers.... it's all CRAZY!

So, we might as well buckle in and enjoy the ride.
Love you all! Camille

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Jordan & Clark (Jordan between the 45 and 40 yrd. line playing tenor sax - Clark between 50 and 45 with BIG sax, I mean, Bari Sax...he's the tall one.

Playing stands tunes.
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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Cades helper in training

Kaitlyn really wants to help with Cade. She practices putting her doll (thanks grandma) in the back pack and walking around. Then she'll put the doll in the swing, then she'll get up too and put the doll and her lap and swing for ever. Cade isn't always too impressed with her improvements :)

The Green Duck ...that Got Away

My brother Sean, my Dad and I went Goose/Duck hunting on opening day yesterday. I got the picture perfect shot at a mallard. He dropped and we had Cocoa (Seans' dog) go get him for practice, the poor dog is still pretty new at this hunting thing. As we continued to hunt I set him down to shoot again I heard a big splash only to discover that the rascal had hopped in the river. I shot him again....and he floated off down the river. We tried all we could to get Cocoa to fetch him or to find a stick to fish him out but it was all to no avail. My first green head got away :-( So goes hunting I guess!!

So what did you all think of conference?? What a humbling thing to be taught by all these great men! I think Elder Eyring is such a great example of humble leadership, we are truly blessed. President Hinckley is still so sharp for a seasoned Prophet, he never ceases to make us laugh as he instructs. Hope you all have a great day!


Saturday, October 06, 2007

School update.

A couple of you have asked how school is going so I'll just settle it and let you all know.

It's going pretty good. I'll be done with the first two and start the next block of classes in two weeks. I'm in the high 90s in both of the classes I'm taking right now. It's amazing how much better I do in school when I really apply myself. If I had done this in high school, I probably would have been a straight A student. To put it bluntly, I just didn't care too much about school back then.
Anyways, my associates is in business. I'll decide what I want to get my bachelors in when I'm closer to finishing my associates. To Boyd, Jason, and Nate: I'm going to really be relying on the three of you to help me make my decision on what area of business I pursue.

I've got my entire class line up for my associates. I was one credit short for my general studies so I'll actually finish in Feb 09 instead of Nov 08. I chose geology to fill that gap. After all my classes that are business related I'll be finishing my associates off with Geology as my last class. I think it will be an interesting class and it will be nice to have something different, let alone just one class, during the holidays next year.

So, with this being said, you all know how school is going for me now.
Now I want to hear updates about how everybody else is doing in school, this means all of your kids.

Love you all,