Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Happenings at the Hatches

The pinewood durbie!!!!!!!!!!!

Heidi got a hair-cut!!



6 inches are no longer.


The Gold Gang said...

LOVE the hair, Heidi. And I LOVE the Barbie Car, Justin. I hope it carries you to fame! Oh, and congratulations you new chicken farmers! How fun! I actually got quite attached to our chickens. They're so stupid and yet loveable. ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

They are,there just ssoooo stupid!! One day, when I took them out side for the first time and we caried there box out, to the backyard.(they were chirping like heck) when i picked one up, it chirped louder then i set it down on the grass and it was dead silent. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! There names are:
lucky, fluffy, squigley, chicklet, and rooster. (my dad said that either we don't name them or have to forget there names because at the end of the year will going to kill them.)oh and there is at least 3 roosters.

Nater said...

Love the hair Heidi!!!!
And the pink race car....... yeah it ROCKS!!!