Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week 2: Tell about your family traditions (Christmas, birthdays, graduations, 4th of July's, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.)


Tennesseeans said...

Kathy -

My Aunt Corine's house was the "meeting place" for Christmas Eve. It was a constant flow of family, friends and lots of food and fun! I miss those times so much but will always cherish those memories!

Cindy said...

I don't know if anniversaries is included, but Nate and I have decided to take turns planning something to do on our anniversary every other year. For Halloween we had our first Halloween dinner of gross foods with a bunch of friends. We plan to do that each year now. We're still forming our family traditions for a lot of things. I guess for Christmas it's to travel far in the car :).

Nater said...

Traditions I remember growing up:
Christmas - We could open our stockings as soon as we woke up but had to wait for dad & mom to open anything else. We also got to open a present on Christmas Eve that somehow always turned out to be comfortable PJs.

Thanksgiving - Palmagranite salad, pumpkin pie, lemon marange pie, chocolate wonder, and cranberry cake. I love Thanksgiving :)

Birthdays - Pick your meal & cake. For as long as I can remember I've had tuna casserole & refrigerator cake.

Traditions we’ve just started or talked about starting:
Annual family letter in July – I don’t usually read everyone’s yearly family letters since we get a ton of them all at Christmas. So we’ve talked about doing ours in July.

Halloween Dinner - We just had our first annual Halloween dinner this past year and we had a blast. We had Monster toes (little smokies wrapped in tortilla shells, baked with ketchup (bloody toenails), chips and dirty diaper dip (refried beans and cheese), and slimy worm sandwiches (sliced hot dogs mixed in ketchup) as the appetizers. For dinner we had mouse dropping casserole (enchilada casserole with black beans) and mummy face pizzas (pepperoni pizzas with string cheese and olives on top) for dinner. Then for dessert we had kitty litter cake and eye balls (crushed Oreo’s with cream cheese covered with white chocolate and a chocolate chip pupil). The drinks were day old bathwater and poison potion (use your imaginations ).

Anniversaries – We just started rotating being in charge of planning these since it’s special for both of us.

Christmas – We’ve yet to have a full Christmas with just our family but so far we’ve got a new Christmas ornament for the tree and a new piece of the Willow Tree nativity set each year.

Weekend family/temple trips – Since we’ve been married we’ve been to 27 states together and 10 temples. We’re going to try to make at least 6 different temple trips to temples we haven’t been to and hit a few new states while we’re at it. I hope this turns into something we expand in the future.

The Gold Gang said...

Camille -

We love Halloween. Everyone dresses up! It's a dismal year when Russ and I are too busy to dress up. We eat a gross meal each night he week before Halloween. It always begins with Dinner in a Pumpkin and somewhere Dead Man Meatloaf and Witches Hands are in the mix.

I've started a tradition that I hope to keep up, which is to take each child out to lunch on his/her birthday, since all of their birthdays are during the school year.

Russ gives Father's Blessings to each of us the Monday before school starts.

Russ and I go on a date one a week and try to go on overnight dates 2-3 times a year. It's good and good for you, but that may be more ritual than tradition. :)

The Gold Gang said...

i always remember halloween and the gross meals. but at christmas when we have all opened and played around with our presents for a while we go over to grandmas and show some off and play around.
