Hey everyone,
Well Cindy finally talked me into getting a Utah number. Cindys new phone number is (801) 726-7671 and mine is (801) 726-7678.
Here are a couple of pictures from a 4 wheeling trip I went on over presidents day with my brother and brother in law. The trip was a blast until I wrecked at the last possible place you could wreck before getting home. I didn't post the pictures of the battle wounds do to the fact that they are mainly on my hip and buttox :) $1850 later the trip was still fun.
Love, Nate
Was the $1850 for the 4 wheeler or your medical bill?!?
Dad mentioned something in a letter about your injuries... are you really ok?
What is that thing you're standing in front of. If you'd been in Kentucky or Tenessee I would say it was a moonshine still.
$1850 for atv only. Medical bills for injured pride only. Standing in front of a saw mill that no one has ever ridden 4-wheelers to.
You sound just like one of those commercials.
ATV repairs - $1850
Injured pride - $0
Standing in front of a saw mill no one has ever ridden a 4 wheeler to - Priceless.
Was that $1,850 the damage to you or your 4 wheeler?
I like it Brian. I'm going to make that into a commercial and post it. :)........... uhhhh eventually, I'm still working on the movie software.
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