Friday, August 17, 2007

..........................and now from Brian.

We're not trying to harp on you guys but Chris is right. We look at this multiple times during the week, sometimes two or three times a day because we're starving for news and stories about every day happenings about the family. Your little anecdotes are great and just hearing about somebody getting a gold star for reading or getting an 'A' on a test is just as important to us too.
Again, we're not trying to harp on anybody. We just want to know more about the every day happenings in your lives. Camille had a great idea starting this thing last year and we need to keep it alive.
Okay, now for my story of the day.
One of our cat's name is Critter. We call him "Tex Critter" because he's bow legged. Get it, Tex Ritter.........Tex Critter.
For those of you who don't know, Tex Ritter was a famous country singer.
I'll have to get a picture to show you. He really is bow legged.


Tennesseeans said...

Brian is right - he really is bow legged. He also has a "kink" in the end of his tail where it accidentally got shut in the sliding glass door at our condo when we lived in Virginia Beach. We call it his "souvenier" from the beach. Poor cat! He has it made though. Has his own room and plenty to eat! He's better off than alot of humans!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Dale T. said...

I know that Chris and Brian feel like they've stumbled away and lost contact with the "Mother Ship". We really do understand how busy you all are, and are grateful to be included in your lives no matter how small. If I'm not mistaken, the phone company still does business here in these parts. Maybe we'll pick it up and "holler at 'yall".
