Friday, August 17, 2007

Welcome to the Brian and Chris Blog....

Okay, I just wanted to show you that you can post without pictures. I'm sure your kids have said something funny, cute, etc. Brian and I miss family so much and would love to hear about your everyday lives. You all take for granted that you're around each other and hear about everything, but we are out here starving to be included.

Here's my funny.... Jordan has decided that he's going to name one of his children "Dude". Dude, get over here. Dude, go to the office. Then he thought twice about that and decided he would use that as a middle name and call him Awesome. Awesome Dude.

Have a good one and please share your lives with us lonely non- Utah-Idaho family members. :)

1 comment:

Tennesseeans said...

Hey Chris -
Just thought I would say "hi" and hope you are having a great day. I'm at work and so far things are pretty quiet - but then again, I do work in a funeral home, ya know?
We have a family that is feuding with each other and they will be here shortly and that will probably put an end to the quietness. Death can bring out the worst in people. It's so sad.
Hope your Saturday is going good. Talk to you soon.
Love - Kathy