Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Are You Ready For Some Football...

It's that time of year that we all wait for...Football. This year will be extra fun. We have Thursday nights to watch Jordan, Friday for high school and Saturday for OU! Bet you all wished you lived here where football is a way of life :)


The Gold Gang said...

We are! Football season begins for us tomorrow as well. Henry plays one of the running backs for offense and a defensive something or other... blocker guy. AND to Shelley beat Firth soundly in the opening game for SHS - Michael even played a bit for the Varsity team. So, all is well in Zion.

What position(s) does Jordan play? Does Owen play, too? Meg is playing flag football. Sam opted to try fencing, and Janie is dancing.... all the time. Love you!

Nater said...

and ou and tennessee and utah (just kidding everyone) and UNLV and weber state (who is going to get thumped by Boise State) and ............................................................................... Did I miss anyone???

Dale T. said...

We are taking our youth to the BYU game in two weeks as they come to town to play Tulsa. We're planning a tailgate party and a really fun night, as the game is at 8:00pm. I need to teach the kids how to sing "Rise and Shout" this week in Mutual. We have 30 tickets all together on the south east goal line. Should be a blast.