Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tip of the day: Where to grow African Violets.

I put a one pint mason jar next to it so you can get an idea of how big this plant really is.

For those of you who have African Violets here's a tip for growing them.
They seem to prefer morning sun and shade throughout the rest of the day. I recommend putting them in an east facing window. If it's in the bathroom it's that much better. The plant shown is one we keep in our bathroom that has an east facing window. We have violets in the kitchen window that's at the same height and also faces east. They're not nearly as big as the plants in the bathroom. It must be something in the air.
So your tip of the day is this. If you want big, beautiful African Violets and you have a bathroom with and east facing window, that's the place you want to put them.
Oh, I almost forgot. A few nitrogen spikes don't hurt anything either.


Dale T. said...

Is that Mason Jar a pint or a quart??? What??

Tennesseeans said...

I guess you missed the line between the two pictures. It's a one pint jar. It's still the biggest African Violet I've ever seen.